Revamp your Cities: Skylines with these must-have Mods!

With Cities: Skylines breathing new life into the City Building genre which was ruined with the last release of Sim City, and fully supporting modding from the start, there have been a ton of new content being added constantly to the game. With so much new content being added here is the NerdiPop list of best Cities Skylines Mods.


Cities Skylines Skate Park

This is a pretty simple asset mod for the game. It adds a skate park to the game for your city and for your citizens to enjoy.

Automatic Bulldoze

Cities Skylines Automatic Bulldoze

Although another simple mod, this is so worth it. When your city becomes quite large and old buildings get abandoned, piling up, and you don’t have the time to find and bulldoze them, this mod does it for you! It removes unused empty buildings, allowing other buildings to get build.

Tree Brush

Cities Skylines Tree Brush

This is another simple but extremely useful mod. It adds a brush to the tree planting section. This in turn makes planting trees in your neighbourhood’s much easier than the old version in which you have to individually plant each tree.

Ghostbusters Firestation

Cities Skylines Ghost Buster HQ

When there’s something strange, in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Fire Department! This adds the classic Ghostbusters Fire Station from the movie to the game. It would have been cool if you could unleash some ghosts, but this is still a treat for fans of the movie.

Gula’s Coal Power Plant 01

Cities Skylines Gula's Coal Power Plant

This mod is made by ex-Simcity artist Gula – also known as MaxisLime. It adds a Coal Power Plant to the game. I love the look and feel of the power plant.

Mod Achievement Enabler

This is a simple mod enables you to get achievements when playing the game with mods. Unfortunately it gets disabled when you use them in the game.  This mod doesn’t work for some, but might work for you.



This is a very simple map but it’s quite fun to play the game with. The canals make it fun to build bridges and offers different ways of creating different looking cities.

Gaben Height Map

Gaben Coast

Gaben Height Map

Gaben Map

This mod just had to be included. As one of the more out-there maps in the modding community  who doesn’t want to build a bustling metropolis city on the face of none other than Gabe Nevell, creator of Steam and Valve software.

That concludes our list of mods for Cities Skylines. What mods have you used and what do you like? Please leave a comment below and let us know. We will cover more Mods in future blogs.




By Published On: April 8th, 2016Categories: GamesComments Off on Revamp your Cities: Skylines with these must-have Mods!Tags: , ,

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