Make Your Little One’s Christmas Extra Special with the Santa Trackers!
There are many ways to make Christmas special for your little one. One sure way is to make them watch Santa travel on his routes on Christmas Eve.
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There are two awesome sites where you can track Santa’s journey – The Norad Santa Tracker and the Google Santa Tracker.
Not in the mood to read, watch the video here.
Google Santa Tracker is an annual Christmas-themed entertainment program by Google, Inc. that allows users to track Santa during Christmas Eve and before that allows users to play, watch, and learn through little activities that are added daily from the start of December.
Type Christmas or Christmas Presents in your browser and see what happens! You can also access the Google Santa Tracker with this link – https://santatracker.google.com/
Apart from being able to track Santa, there are loads of activities for you and your family to take part in.
Norad Santa Tracker
Click here to visit Norad – http://www.noradsanta.org/
There are loads of activities for you and you family to complete.
Norad Santa Tracker has a beautiful back story.
In 1955 Sears in Colorado Springs took out an advertisement which read that children could call them on the number listed on the advertisement and get in touch with Santa Clause. Unfortunately, the number they listed on the advertisement was typed incorrectly and was actually the number of the Colorado Springs’ Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Centre.
Colonel Harry Shoup was the acting officer on duty for one particular evening. He said in an interview: “The red phone rang which was reserved for the Pentagon or the Four Star General Partridge. When I answered the phone and said ‘Yes sir this is Colonel Shoup’, I heard a little girl’s voice asking ‘Is this Santa Clause?’”.
Originally he thought that one of his staff was playing a joke on him. He figured out there were some problems with the phone lines. After the little girl’s question, he decided to reply: “Yes I am. Have you been a good little girl?”. He then proceeded to have a full conversation with the little girl as Santa Clause. When she asked him how Santa manages to travel the whole world and deliver the presents to all the good boys and girls he replied: “That’s the magic of Christmas”.
After the call ended he told all his staff to give the children who called the current location of Santa Clause. And that is how the Norad tracks Santa tradition began.
The following is just a short quote I found about Colonel Shoup and I thought it was a nice tribute to the Santa Colonel.
“I have the greatest admiration for Colonel Shoup and found delight in his remarkable humor with taking the first-ever call regarding Santa’s whereabouts back in 1955. His kind and thoughtful gesture will forever be a legacy at Norad, and with the millions of people around the world who follow the Norad Tracks Santa program each year. Truly, forever in the minds of millions he will be fondly remembered as the “Santa Colonel” and his legend will live on forever.” Retired general Victor E. Renaurt, Jr., Usaf – Former Commander, Norad