Epic Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer Analysis

With the new teaser trailer released for Star Wars Episode 7 – The Force Awakens – some fan theories have been floating around. As a true Star Wars Geek I have some of my own theories on the teaser trailer. Here are some of my thoughts.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (2)

The first thing we see in the teaser is John Boyega in Storm Trooper armour. On closer inspection we can see that this is the new Storm Trooper armour’s chest design is different than that of the original design – it’s also smooth around the edges. Although details on the movie is in short supply, I wonder if the title – The Force Awakens – means there is a new emergence of force power in people who had latent force ability. Perhaps this is why John Boyega’s character looked so flustered and confused in the trailer.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (4)

The soccer-ball-droid looks pretty cool. I have no idea what role it will play in the movie, but its head does look like a R2 unit’s head. It makes sense if this droid is on Tatooine – using a rolling ball for a body makes it easier to get around on the planet.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (5)

We get to see that the leaked designs for the new storm trooper armour is indeed true. I love the look and feel of the new armour – it feels natural in the progression of the Storm Trooper armour.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (6)

We also see Daisy Ridley riding off on a speeder bike which looks like it would work perfect for Tatooine. Due to the expanded universe being scrapped from what I understand, I am not sure whether she is a Solo or a Skywalker. It would be cool if she is one of Han and Leia’s kids.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (7)

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (8)

Oscar Isaac is piloting an x-wing – his helmet makes it look like he might part of red squadron. Who he is in the story is currently unknown, but I would bet that he probably a Solo or a Skywalker. My money is more on the Solo’s.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (9)

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (10)

The scene which had everyone talking – the rapier lightsaber – it’s truly a interesting design (not sure of the practicality of the weapon) but we can see it has three lightsaber-emitting points on the design. It is said that the voice over is that of Andy Serkis, so it’s most likely him wielding the light saber.Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (11)

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (12)

Then comes the money shot, The Millennium Falcon, flying over Tatooine and avoiding tie fighters. I wonder if it’s Han and Chewie piloting the ship or someone else.

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (17)

Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens (1)

Star Wars the Force Awakens get’s released December 2015.

What are your thoughts on Star Wars the force awakens? Feel free to leave your comments below on what you think is going to happen.

By Published On: December 2nd, 2014Categories: Fandom, Movies, Science Fiction, Star WarsComments Off on Epic Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer AnalysisTags: ,

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