Top 10 craziest must-see slasher films of the 80s
The 1980s marked a golden era for the slasher film genre, characterized by iconic villains, inventive kills, and a cultural fascination with the macabre. From masked maniacs to supernatural killers, the decade produced a plethora of memorable horror films that continue to terrify and captivate audiences to this day. In this article, we'll take a blood-soaked journey through the top 10 slasher films of the 80s, exploring their impact, influence, and enduring legacy in the realm of horror cinema. Not in the mood to read? Watch part 1 here. Not in the mood to read? Watch part 2 here. 1.
Macabre Marvel: The Evil Dead Tops 80s Horror, Inflicting Shock and Terror!
Grab your striped sweater and hockey mask! Prepare for a trip down memory lane! Here are NerdiPop's top three horror movies from the 1980s! The Evil Dead (1981) The Evil Dead (1987) Pumkinhead (1988) First up, the film that popularized the Book of the Dead (also known as the Necronomicon) and introduced us to the Deadites. This is none other than The Evil Dead (1981), the horror movie classic that launched the careers of Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi. Synopsis: Five college students take some time off to relax in a remote cabin. When the incantations are read aloud, the