Blades of Enchantment: Top 10 Most Legendary Fantasy Swords
Fantasy literature and media have introduced us to countless mythical realms where valiant heroes and formidable villains wield weapons of unimaginable power. Among these, legendary swords often stand out as symbols of heroism, destiny and sheer magical might. No epic fantasy story is complete without a legendary sword, right? While a tale might still be intriguing without one, let's be real: a great sword has the power to ignite your inner warrior and inspire you to take up arms. Here, we unveil some of the most iconic and revered fantasy swords that have captured the imaginations of audiences worldwide. Not
Weaving Magic: The Most Interesting Spiders in Movie Magic
Spiders, with their mysterious and intricate webs, have fascinated and frightened us throughout history. In the realm of movies, these eight-legged creatures have been featured in various captivating and memorable roles. From the endearing Charlotte in "Charlotte's Web" to the terrifying Shelob in "The Lord of the Rings," spiders have spun their magic on the silver screen. Let's explore some of the most interesting spiders in movies, weaving together tales from "Charlotte's Web," "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," "Doctor Who," and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Not in the mood to
The Hobbit Trilogy: What Went Wrong? Exploring Part 3
5. Pointless shoe horned love plot In my opinion, this is one of the most pointless stupid parts of the whole Hobbit franchise. For me the worst part is - I think I know why this was shoe horned into the movie. So we have our Dwarf (Fili) fall in love with Tauriel. Why is this stupid? It feels stupid and forced, which from what I have read is pretty much what happened. It was never truly in the story but the studio had them do reshoots so it could be in the movie. The Hobbit - Tauriel